Venturing into a new age of ocean odyssey
What will it take to reach a deeper understanding of our uncharted oceans in an era of environmental crisis?

How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when clearly it is Ocean.
Arthur C. Clarke
Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is water. The oceans that surround us today – and for much of the planet’s 4.6-billion-year history – comprise our planet’s largest ecosystem, showcasing an infinitely rich spectrum of marine life.
Oceans do much more than simply provide a home for giant mammals and microorganisms to live side by side. Their natural forces drive weather systems, regulate land temperatures and ensure our survival.
Despite the oceans’ omnipresence, more than 80% remains completely unmapped and unexplored. We need to know more.
Plymouth has a rich tradition of exploration and discovery. We want to develop innovative new ways of understanding our world. Sometimes, this means taking inspiration from the past to inform our future.
If successful, the Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) will be one of the first self-navigating, full-sized vessels to cross the Atlantic and opens the door on a new era of autonomous research ships.
Professor Kevin Jones, Executive Dean of Science and Engineering at the University, said:
“Through vessels such as the Mayflower Autonomous Ship and our very own CETUS, the University is at the forefront of using unmanned vessels for cutting-edge ocean science. This technology has the undoubted potential to be a game changer in the field, enabling us to capture data which can transform our understanding of the oceans and the impact climate change and other factors are having on them.”
The research element of the voyage will focus on core areas including marine mammal detection, marine plastics and ocean chemistry.
2Ocean conditions
2Marine pollution and conservation
2Marine biology
2Marine mammal monitoring
2Autonomous navigation
2Sea level mapping
2Maritime cybersecurity
Ocean exploration doesn’t just take place hundreds of miles off the coast – our cutting-edge marine facilities lie at the threshold of land and sea.
In Plymouth, we are fortunate enough to be blessed with local fieldwork locations that present us with a rich petri dish of marine biodiversity.
Top 10 University for Geology, Environmental, Earth and Marine Sciences in the UK